Before marriage all I could think of was paints, music and poetry. Each and every moment spent at home would be in the company of music and colours. Sometimes hours of painful involvement would result in a decent work of art. I still remember my first big attempt on a glass painting. It turned out to be a favourite of one of my uncles who later on became the proud owner.
My love of painting started in school as a child. The encouragement of my parents took me to many competitions. I still remember one such competition in which my father had later on pointed out to me that I was progressing pretty well but later on spoilt it while outlining the picture. My mother herself being an ardent lover of art passed on her huge collection of paints to me, and this I had in my possession for many years to follow.
Painting led me to try my hand at sketching. And during school days who else would have been better to experiment than my favourite Bollywood actress? I remember spending hours during study huors trying to get her perfect portrait. I had even smuggled it to school to 'show off' to my friends. They loved it but insisted that I should make the shading darker as my pencil strokes were very light. And indeed that's what I readily did but ended up spoiling it.
In school I had an opportunity to submit a sketch of our Mother Superior, but I withdrew during the last moment as I felt my dear friend, who too was participating was far too good for me to compete. Moreover she was learning painting and sketching methodically. I had always marvelled at her brush strokes and her sketches. In fact I remember visiting her house often to just take a glimpse at her work of art.
After marriage, for some reason I stacked away all my paints. It is not that I didn't have the urge to paint and create, but the kind of freedom that one enjoys as a girl is different from that of the responsibilities of a wife. But today these treasures are back in my hands and ready to be utilised at the other end of my journey.
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