Of late, my evening strolls have become more vigorous with intentions of shedding some extra kilos. But as I go for my regular walks, I observe around me, activities in the common area which is the garden. Currently this garden is being renovated so it is far dustier than it usually is. As I walk, I get a lot of time to observe and ponder over things. With kids playing in the play area, my attention gets diverted as at times I feel, some parents are not careful enough when kids are playing on one of the swings or climbing up ladders. These tiny tots can easily fall through the steps of these ladders and sometimes I freeze on the spot looking at these kids precariously holding onto the side railing.
There are a dozen new born puppies running around. I often wonder whether the puppies are more scared of the kids or it is the other way round. The puppies’ tails sticking vertically above them, and making it quiver as they prance around. When I look around I sometimes find an irregular shaped stone lying in the pathway, and only when I near it I realize it is actually 2 puppies huddled together. I have always had a soft corner for dogs and I would really like to hold one of these puppies close to me and stroke it, but refrain from doing so for fear of stray dogs.
Old men and women sitting together in large groups in the same area of the garden, singing bhajans, or discussing sweet nothings, at times just staring into the vast darkness. It often makes me wonder about old age; to have all the sensual faculties functioning properly but still being unable to perform the physical duties that the brain commands, to have so much of free time and still have nothing to do. If there are grandchildren in the house, then of course time flies past. On the other end of the garden there would be some young lovers sitting huddled together, oblivious to the world around them. A few feet away sometimes there would be some friends sitting together deeply engrossed in their conversations about school or other friends.
Many a times my speed gets slacked down with elder people walking slowly in front of me, or some teenage boys deliberately blocking the way. But this garden, this common area is still my favourite walking ground. No matter what the purpose, or caste, or creed, or age, the same common people gather every evening. This ground which is earmarked with a specific purpose serves as a catalyst for many-a-discussions. For some it just gives them space to spend some time with nature and with music in their ears (thanks to the mp3 players). For others it gives them privacy to meet far away from the prying eyes of friends and relatives. But no matter what the environment is, this common area gives me time away from home to spend time with myself.
There are a dozen new born puppies running around. I often wonder whether the puppies are more scared of the kids or it is the other way round. The puppies’ tails sticking vertically above them, and making it quiver as they prance around. When I look around I sometimes find an irregular shaped stone lying in the pathway, and only when I near it I realize it is actually 2 puppies huddled together. I have always had a soft corner for dogs and I would really like to hold one of these puppies close to me and stroke it, but refrain from doing so for fear of stray dogs.
Old men and women sitting together in large groups in the same area of the garden, singing bhajans, or discussing sweet nothings, at times just staring into the vast darkness. It often makes me wonder about old age; to have all the sensual faculties functioning properly but still being unable to perform the physical duties that the brain commands, to have so much of free time and still have nothing to do. If there are grandchildren in the house, then of course time flies past. On the other end of the garden there would be some young lovers sitting huddled together, oblivious to the world around them. A few feet away sometimes there would be some friends sitting together deeply engrossed in their conversations about school or other friends.
Many a times my speed gets slacked down with elder people walking slowly in front of me, or some teenage boys deliberately blocking the way. But this garden, this common area is still my favourite walking ground. No matter what the purpose, or caste, or creed, or age, the same common people gather every evening. This ground which is earmarked with a specific purpose serves as a catalyst for many-a-discussions. For some it just gives them space to spend some time with nature and with music in their ears (thanks to the mp3 players). For others it gives them privacy to meet far away from the prying eyes of friends and relatives. But no matter what the environment is, this common area gives me time away from home to spend time with myself.
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