Today as I look back I feel it all started 8 years ago in 2000. From the time I left my hometown in
Kolkata, I have been travelling constantly. At one point of time, this is what I had wanted, but with time when my travel schedules started becoming more frequent, all I wanted was to stay.
It seems as if no city or country wants to keep us for more than 2 years. In the past 8 years, I could say I've almost been living out my my suitcase. Education took me to one city, then marriage took me to another and all the other changes were due to the change in my spouse's employment. First the feeling of excitement and the possibility of exploring newer avenues lured me. Then a sense of apprehension sunk in, apprehension of a new job, of a new environment, a new house etc.
Now when I am once again getting ready to move to different destination, I feel bitter at having to let go of many a prized possession. Right from an embroidery pattern, an article, a favourite pouch, photograph collection of old memories, or some old greeting cards, to a recipe book. These prized possessions do not have any space in my luggage. Especially with the weight (of luggage) restrictions to each country, there are many such treasures which I have to let go. And that is when I start hating transitions.
Nothing in life is constant. So now my brain tells me only one thing, whether it is joy or sorrow, the moment will pass. The intensityof today's joy or sorrow will be lesser tomorrow. And things that I hold on to today, and that which seem precious, will seem unimportant and petty tomorrow when they have to be thrown away due to a necessity. Friends whom I cling on to today may seem far away tomorrow when we are miles apart. Nothing is constant, and now as I realize this, I try lesser and lesser to hold on. I have learnt to let go. Let go of the memories if they are not helpful in any way, let go of the emotions that tell you to hold on to a pen that doesn't function, a broken curio, or a useless jacket, things that have been treasured because it was a brother's gift, or fiance's first gift. None of this matters. I realize more and more that the person himself or herself matter and not the petty things that are exchanged. Many a times we ignore human beings and neglect them, but hold on to their things when they are no longer near us.
When we travel, it is more important to imbibe the good things in our memory and action than just blindly collect curios. The beauty of each city needs to be registered in the mind. But easier said than done. It is human tendency to want to own anything that is beautiful. Now as I ready myself for my next destination, I hope I will be able to safely let go of my emotional baggage and look forward to a new life once again. And after some time, the flight of life will resume once more.